Studies show that 50-70 million Americans have some kind of sleep disorder, and 38% report falling asleep during the day. Additionally, according to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly 70% of children under 10-years-old experience some type of sleep problem.
Adult Sleep Services
Pediatric Sleep Services
With over a decade of experience behind our approach, we care for children with autism, ADHD, genetic disorders, and other challenges to mental, social, emotional, and academic development.
We also provide consultations and coordinate care for:
Down syndrome
Cerebral palsy
Genetic disorders
Fragile X syndrome
Developmental delay
Intellectual disability
Other challenges to mental, social, emotional, or academic development
International adoption can be highly complex for families. Children growing up in orphanages overseas can develop psychological and health challenges that parents may need additional help understanding and addressing. We provide consultations to parents in the pre-adoptive period – before traveling overseas to meet the child – and in the post-adoptive period – after the child has been welcomed into their new home.
Ocean Medicine provides compassion-centered, practically-oriented solutions for sleep conditions, developmental pediatric conditions, and the medical needs of internationally adopted children. Unlike many services that provide partial or fragmented care, our highly specialized team does consultations, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for a wide variety of conditions. Our facility and physicians are accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, making Ocean Medicine one of a select few independent sleep centers in Southern California. Our accreditation means that we uphold the standard of excellence set by the AASM – meeting over 100 criteria and submitting to careful facility and process evaluations by AASM representatives to ensure quality assurance in the administration of sleep healthcare.

Our Providers
Tel: 949-446-8990 // Fax: 949-446-8535
Our Address
4902 Irvine Center Drive #104
Irvine, CA 92604
Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 4:30PM
Closed for lunch 12-1pm